Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I made up a survey and then answered the questions. Normal thing to do.
Do you?

Open bags from the bottom so the words are all upsidedownie when you roll up the bag and put the chip clip on it.

I don't usually, but I did today. Maybe I'll start doing this all the time. It sort of makes me feel giddy- I'm totally breaking the rules. I'M A RULE BREAKER I BREAK RULES. Hey wanna smoke? Me neither, why would I say that.

I'm sure you don't. NOT LIKE I DO. I sweat so much it's embarrassing. I need some pills and lotion for this- it's out of hand. I dripped off my face today. From walking to class. I realize that is gross. It's embarrassing, but also a really good and legitimate excuse for not working out.

Procrastination Nation.

Say ROOT beer, or root BEER.
I say ROOT beer but I think it's real sexy when guys say root BEER. I know you have to know what I'm talking about.

Medium cheddar or Extra Sharp?
The joys of extra sharp cheddar are really joyful. I honestly love cheese more than everyone in the whole entire universe. Try extra sharp white cheddar, but only if you have 15 dollars. Because it's 15 dollars.

Wear a yellow sweater when you're having a bad day so that that bad day turns into a good day and so that you notice more shiny things and less smelly things.

 I DO. I DID TODAY. My yellow sweater fixes my life.  Well it did... UNTIL

my head got chopped off while I was trying to study in the liberry today- which sucks. But probably sucks less than have writers block while writing an economic comparison paper... which as it turns out, entails a sort of eternal state of writers block.


  1. yesterday i bought extra-sharp cheddar just for you. and rosemary garlic triscuts.

  2. this is like the funniest blog i have ever read

  3. I'm so sad your head got chopped off. But I love the yellow sweater.
    And loooove extra sharp cheddar.
