Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I made up a survey and then answered the questions. Normal thing to do.
Do you?

Open bags from the bottom so the words are all upsidedownie when you roll up the bag and put the chip clip on it.

I don't usually, but I did today. Maybe I'll start doing this all the time. It sort of makes me feel giddy- I'm totally breaking the rules. I'M A RULE BREAKER I BREAK RULES. Hey wanna smoke? Me neither, why would I say that.

I'm sure you don't. NOT LIKE I DO. I sweat so much it's embarrassing. I need some pills and lotion for this- it's out of hand. I dripped off my face today. From walking to class. I realize that is gross. It's embarrassing, but also a really good and legitimate excuse for not working out.

Procrastination Nation.

Say ROOT beer, or root BEER.
I say ROOT beer but I think it's real sexy when guys say root BEER. I know you have to know what I'm talking about.

Medium cheddar or Extra Sharp?
The joys of extra sharp cheddar are really joyful. I honestly love cheese more than everyone in the whole entire universe. Try extra sharp white cheddar, but only if you have 15 dollars. Because it's 15 dollars.

Wear a yellow sweater when you're having a bad day so that that bad day turns into a good day and so that you notice more shiny things and less smelly things.

 I DO. I DID TODAY. My yellow sweater fixes my life.  Well it did... UNTIL

my head got chopped off while I was trying to study in the liberry today- which sucks. But probably sucks less than have writers block while writing an economic comparison paper... which as it turns out, entails a sort of eternal state of writers block.

Monday, September 27, 2010



I hate thinking that if I choose the wrong one I'll regret it. I'll wonder what I missed out on or what could have got better. I'm petrified of the decision I may be faced to make in a few weeks.

I love it here. I have friends and I'm happy.
But something in my heart tells me that maybe I should be there.
Sometimes something in my heart tells me that maybe I should stay here though.

Come on heart! Get with the program! Just tell me the ONE PLACE WHERE I BELONG!!!

Ok, hold up world.

I don't believe that there is any such thing as a ONE TRUE LOVE... or in this case ONE PLACE WHERE I BELONG. I believe I can be happy and do well anywhere. But I'm happy here and doing well here, so why leave? Why step into the unknown? Why take a step into the darkness when I've already made it to the light at the end of the tunnel? Why not keep throwing out confusing cliche phrases to describe befuddled feelings in my heart?  

Ok. Here's why. BECAUSE (get ready for a cliche vomit festival) sometimes... sometimes you've just got to take a leap of faith. And by 'you' I do mean me of course. Once I make my decision, I will stick with it. It will feel right. I know that I may be scared, but I'll go full force ahead towards the mental breakdown madness that is college (whether it's at BYU or USU).

Someone please decide for me? PLEASE? PLEASE?

BYU. USU. BYU. USU. BYU. USU. BYU. USU. BYU...he loves me... he loves me not... 

In other news--- here is something you must try.

ROSEMARY olive oil triscuts
  topped with----
Extra sharp cheddar
 finished off with---
A slice of asian pear.

I can't stop myself until the box is gone. Divine. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Economics is the funnest EVER!

I found this graph interesting. Maybe you will too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

BLOP Update and stuff.

Today! Started! Off! Horribly!

I got a 75% on my bible test. BIBLE test. The worst part? I didn't think I did bad at all. That's totally how it always goes. I need to kick my butt into gear. (What... does that even mean?) To kick things off on an even lower note let's reminisce about all the things I DIDN'T get done today :) I didn't write two papers that are due like, really soon. I didn't do my math (this is an ongoing one) I didn't go to the bank. I didn't do any homework. At all. I didn't do laundry and I didn't clean my room.  Now I can feel terrible about myself, and "you'' can feel awesome. Anytime.

In all honesty though school is great. I love economics and it has me really excited about my major. We watched a TED talk the other day and it got me hooked. At least I'm wasting my time on educational lectures, that's something.  It's lovely and fall like here. I'm holding on tight to summer though, that's for sure!

Ok, and here's the real NEWS. THE REAL AWESOME GREAT NEWS. I'll start from the beginning. I've been dying to get my ballet on lately, so I found a great looking ballet school in town and decided to check it out. The school is housed in the most adorable old schoolhouse called the Whitier center. Complete with the most perfect shade of ballet pink on the walls, big staircases, old wood floors, and transom windows. Straight from a movie.
Portion one of story; while waiting for someone to talk to this black guy comes over to me. Asks if I'm taking class.
Asks where I go to school?
Asks if I like country dancing?
Lived in the towers last year?
-Nope, that was my boyfriend.
Asked if we were still dating?
-He's on a mission (failed  to mention that I haven't spoken to him in 4 months...)
Dear John?
For real, do you like country dancing?
-No, I like Latin though.
Do you have a job?
I have a club.
You should come dancing at my club, we're having a Latin party Friday night.
-Cool, maybe I will.
Do you want to be the bartender there?
Or the hostess?
Here's my number.

Well, folks. I might be a bar tender soon. Look out world! After I escaped the presence of the crazy club promoter I went and found the adult ballet class. IT WAS WONDERFUL. I've missed it so much. I think I practically threw up sentimental happiness. I love being in a studio. And ballet. Oh, so so wonderful. So I took class. The teacher was great. The women in the class were funny. (And I was totally the best one there! also 10 years younger than everyone there...) After class the teacher told me about a company that the school runs, and that I was definitely good enough to participate. I can't tell you how excited I am! I've been looking for more opportunities  to dance EVERYWHERE and I've finally finally found what feels like the perfect fit. Looks like I'm about to be a lot busier.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday!

It's Friday! Happy Friday "everyone"!

Last night when I went to bed at 2 (far past my bedtime, oh dear!) I fell asleep sweetly with the wonderful notion that I would be sleeping in on this wonderful Friday (Since my first class doesn't start til 2:30 suckas! ((and I'm a jobless loser...)) So I fall asleep and I dream and sleep sweetly of Zac Efron and other creepy cute cuddly things like that. SO AT THE CRACK OF FREAKING DAWN 9:00 AM rolls around (regular wake up time) and because it's my regular wake up time, I'm wide awake. Which is cool, whatever, but my body is still so so so asleep. I try my hardest to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, because of the universal law of sleeping (look it up) no sleeping was going to happen. So I woke up and did productive things like look at facebook  for an hour and a half and licked my new yellow shoes.


because I wasn't trying to sleep anymore I fell back asleep. But... BUT not before I had some profound thoughts.

I'm going to share those thoughts today with you brothers and sisters.

 I was thinking about  how lately things aren't going all dreamy and stuff. But it doesn't really bother me any more. I realized that in every period of my life I'm sort of tested before things look up again (case in point, quitting ballet and senior year). Anyways that's what's happening right now. It's tough but I believe with all my heart that there are good things in store for me. So I'm not  going to worry.

P.S. (I sure miss this kid and his uncanny knack for matching his clothing! :(  )

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Ok guys. Hubba hubba check out these shoes.

Words... just... just... cannot express how I feel about them. They are such a wonderful wonderful addition to my (sort of mediocre) life right now. AY CARAMBA!
 Look closely. Amazing deal. Crap my pants amazing deal.
Mysterious people love YELLOW SHOES!!!!


Everybody (not that there's a lot of everybody's...)  disappeared OUT OF NO WHERE TONIGHT. I'm just sittin here alone.

Good Gracious.

So I just put on a (NEW SCRUMPTIOUS 12.99) dress and go to the fancy wal-mart on the other side of town all by myself.

I'm trying really hard to make this sound a lot cooler than it is ever going to be.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday September the Ninth.

It's my Sissy's birthday today. I call her Sissy because, well, number one, she is my Sister. There are other reasons though, like that is what her name is saved as in my phone. Speaking of which, once upon a time Wes wanted to call her and I told him to type in Sissy. He got SUPER angry because apparently "Sissy" is also a put down. So I just want to go on the record and say that I don't mean Sissy in the putdowny way, only in the sisterly way.

Anyways, it's her birthday. And naturally, because it is her birthday I've thought of her a lot today. Partly because I'm a little jealous that she got to eat yummy pizza, and partly because I'm jealous she went on a Nordstrom birthday shopping spree. But, also because, I love her. LIKE A SISTER. (Oh, wait...)

The love I feel for each of my siblings is special and unique. But I have a sort of awe and respect for her that is special to her. A respect that comes from the fact that, I'm sure she is nearly perfect. Growing up, she set such an example. (That sounds horribly cliche.) There's just, really is no way to describe it. Her humility and resolve frankly scared me a little. Because now, and as a child I am most certainly the opposite of humility and resolve. (So very humble of me to say that, no? ;) )

When she's gone sometimes I like to go inside her room and just look around. I can't decide whether doing this is actually as creepy as it sounds here. I like to go in there because everything she has is so beautiful. Because It's clean and shiny and beautiful in a distinctly "Kristen" way.  I like going in there because there is a special feeling in there. I also like going in there because sometimes I steal her shoes, and sometimes I steal her necklaces.

Quite honestly, we aren't even the best of friends. That could be my fault. Maybe it's because I'm a little jeal that she looks beautiful with no makeup on or maybe it's because we're so different. She is always there when I need her though. Staying up late talking about things that are only comfortable topics when the sun has gone down. I think it was a year ago to day. I was home for the weekend after receiving some heart breaking news and she stayed up with me. And just talked. Oh boy, what would life be like without a sister!?

So here's to her, Happy Birthday wise one :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self. 2 (or 3) (or 1) -liners.

I'm so unbelievably narcissistic.
It's pretty terrible.
And pretty weird that I just wrote that on here.

Friends are good. Old ones, who "talk" (facebook chat anyone?) to you for hours. Puts life into perspective. Simplifies things.

People I love who I hardly know. I proclaim on mountain tops (not literally silly don't be jeal!) that love isn't real, but I feel perfectly fine loving people who are near strangers, why is that?

Food is probably really good for me.

Today I saw a man.

My piano teacher was the original Darla in Little Rascals. (Or something like that)
Here I go again. Narcissism. (I spell that right every time, and I'm always surprised)

Maybe... fitting in is overrated?
I think I was supposed to learn that life lesson in 2nd grade. Only I never did.
When all else fails, blame it on bilingual education.

I love reading. I love reading. I love reading. I love all reading. (Maybe if I say it enough....)
Currently reading:
New International Version of The Holy Bible
Economics texts
Anthropological texts
Book of Mormon
The Poisonwood Bible.

That was way longer than two lines.
Yesterday and it's yesterday and it's yesterday and so forth were hard. Today was better.

My stomach hurts.
And marriage prep is funny.

And that, is my day all wrapped up in 2 liners that aren't two liners at all.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

College and forgiveness and stuff like that.

100th post and the worlds worst day(week and half?) in history. Cute. Bet you're jeal.

College is uh...? SO RIDICULOUS. and Hard. This better get better really soon, otherwise there'll be nothing to be jeal of. ha

I hate this all! Get better soon:(

Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm obsessed.

This blog is so funny. Check out the rope bunk beds, a MUST SEE. BA!
Catalog Living dot net