Sunday, July 4, 2010

quotes with no background infros

Some of my favorite quotes of yesterday:
(Preface: swearing is ok when it is quoted, and when it's funny...)

Old man number one to wifers: "damn you woman, DAMN YOU WOMAN"

Old hickman number two... to me: "Damn mexicans just soak up all of our money, they just make babies and take all of our health care! My SON, so proud of him, works for the border patrol, noble boy, keepin' em out, I just HATE them so much, I have to work with them and I tell you what... We just need more men like my boy to secure the border, they just aren't doing a good enough job"
  "Uh... excuse me sir, the U.S., Mexico border is only comparable to the North Korea/South Korea Border..."
"Anyways like I was saying, I hate mexicans. By the way my name it was Wade, nice to meet you"
"Uh... alright, enjoy your corn?"

40 year old creeper:
"When was your corn picked?"
Me, "Yesterday morning, approximately."
"Oh is that what they tell you to say?"
Me, "Indeed it is sir"
"Oh so you just believe everything your told"
Me, "Well, yes, at least when it comes to corn."
"Sounds like you're my kind of girl."
Me, "ERRRR, Ok well, enjoy your corn?"

In other news I sold corn to Meghan from American Idol. I had no idea who she was, I still don't, but cool story Hansel. So cool guys, IT'S GOING TO BE A HAPPY MONDAY TOMORROW!

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