Monday, March 28, 2011

my coat named kitten.

My car is named kitten.
And now my coat is named kitten too.

Would you like to meet the newest addition to my life? I love this little kitten! I have been drooling over it and coveting it and dreaming about it for weeks. That's not an exaggeration. I just really wanted this coat, and now I really gotted this coat. My life is too good.

First things first, if you think I look like I was on ANTM. I wasn't. I just model in my spare time.

CUTE RIGHT?! I am way to materialistic. It's not a good thing, but at least I admit it. I don't think I'm going to really try and change this either.

I had a great weekend also. I will show you pictures, because why? Because pictures ROCK!
We cute? We made sushi on Friday. Tuna and smoked salmon and tempura shrimp and eel sauce AND AND JAPANESE MAYO. YUM. That's all I have to say.