Saturday, April 10, 2010

running ranting goals silly skiing me.

I just went running for the first time in like 3 months. I only ran about a mile and a half. Yeah, weak. I know. The thing about running for me, is that I have no confidence in my ability. I start out the run thinking, what are you getting yourself into?! You're no runner! And throughout the whole run I'm not even sure if I can do it. I stop to walk for a second. Feel better, and then continue. When I go, and it's hard, I think, I don't want to do this again! So I don't. Until three months later, when I have forgotten how much I hate it.
AND YET... Every time I go running I make a goal.
I say, I'm going to do this 3 times a week! I'm going to run a half marathon! Hahaha. I'm so funny sometimes. BUT whatever. I'm working at it. I'm just starting out slow. I love what it does for me and, I want it to be a part of my life. I know the only thing that is stopping me is my mind. I know that if I had more faith in the ability of my body, I would be fine. I know that if I was less afraid of running and realized more that I have a young healthy, fit body, it would make things easier on me.
The thing is, is that it is HARD! (duh.) But that's o.k. Hard doesn't mean impossible. It just makes for greater rewards... err, at least I hope so.

In other news... me and fffffff hiked beaver a last week (it closed on the 1st) and skied some fresh POW and it was heaven. (pictured above) This was my first time skiing powder (since this is also my first ski season). Let me just say. HEAVEN. Nothing nothing nothing compares. Let's just say I cackled the entire way down the mountain. OH. YES.

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