Friday, April 30, 2010

give me more bruschetta.

last night ffff and i wanted to ride our bikes to IDAHO.
unfortunately it was windy and snowing and awful weather.
i don't know about you, but who wants to ride to IDAHO in that crap?
SO INSTEAD we had a feast. it was tasty tasty

feta bruschetta
tortellini with garlic onion sauce
roasted asparagus
roasted zucchini

all while listening to

Luciano Pavarotti

(which is a given i think.)


did i mention we topped it off with strabrerry shortcake?

NOW we're really going to have to ride our bikes to idaho.

after dinner we made silly faces.

1 comment:

  1. i want to frame that picture. Please?

    are you really biking to idaho?

    be prepared to make that dinner when you get home.

    hey, we could talk on the actual phone, couldn't we?
